security camera

Having a Security Camera on my Apartment Door led to the Identification of a Burglar

Over 4 million TikTok views later, with the help of the community, crime stoppers, and the news station KXAN the Austin Police Department was able to identify one of the burglars. 

Having a security camera is one of the best ways you can protect your home. ADT reports that homes with a security camera are 300% safer than homes without a security camera.

I received the security camera as a gift from a friend. The camera was easy to set up and took me under 30 minutes to install. I chose to put the camera on the center of my door using command strips since I am leasing my unit. Using command strips to hang the camera has allowed for easy removal of the camera when I need to recharge it. I recharge it every few months - the product states that a full charge lasts for 120 days. 

The security camera talks to my iPhone via an app. To store data, like I do, you need to purchase a micro-SD Card

Costs & Supplies: 

  • This camera sells for $99 on Amazon, and right now, there is a $10 discount on Amazon! 
  • No subscription is needed - which is one of my favorite things about this camera.
  • You can find command strips for around $10 on Amazon. 
  • You can also purchase a micro-SD Card to store data depending on the size you want; this cost can range—the one I recommend, the 128GB from SanDisk on Amazon, is around $18. 
  • This brings your total cost to $117; if you use your discount & need command strips & purchase an SD Card! 

We highly suggest investing in a security camera.

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